Introduction and Decision Under Risk
Clemes, Michael D., Christopher Gan, and Junli Zhang. "An empirical analysis of online shopping adoption in Beijing, China." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21.3 (2014): 364-375.
Outreville, J. François. "Risk aversion, risk behavior, and demand for insurance: A survey." Journal of Insurance Issues (2014): 158-186.
TA Review Session

1. Students will be exposed to and expected to have the ability to perform a variety of types of microeconomic analysis and utilize different methodologies in different settings.
2. Provide you the tools, skills, and back ground to perform international standard microeconomic analysis across a variety of public policy topical areas.
3. Improve critical thinking and creative problem solving skills to be able to analyze research problems in the work place and arrive at well reasoned solutions to problems.
4. To comprehend and be able to apply foundations of public policy and management in the Vietnamese context.
5. To comprehend and be able to apply principles of market economy to a transition economy like Vietnam.
6. To contribute effectively to the public policy reform in Vietnam.
7. To contribute to knowledge about developing and transition countries.