
Leadership in the Public Sector

Paul Brown & Huynh Trung Dung
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Tuesday, 02/08/2016
08:30 - 11:45

Course introduction

* Course expectation

* Course structure

* Course requirements

* Readings

* Lecturers

Session 1: Course overview – Complexity theory

Making sense of the interpersonal organizational world. Introducing complexity theory as a lens through which to view organizations in setting the context for leadership.

Session 2: Neuroscience - Three kinds of leadership

Neuroscience as a lens through which to view the individual. The emotional bases of organizational behaviour. 3 main kinds of leadership are introduced – administrative, adaptive, and enabling.

Required readings:

* Uhl-Bien & Marion (2008). Complexity Leadership, Chapter 8: Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era

* Chapter 1 of Neuropsychology for Coaches: Biographical beginnings: making sense of the brain

* Swart, Chisholm & Brown, (2015). Neuroscience for Leadership, Chapter 1: There is Chemistry and Then There is Chemistry; Chapter 2: Brains, Body and Business: A Systems Approach;

Suggested readings:

* Uhl-Bien & Marion (2008). Complexity Leadership, Chapter 1: Complexity Theory for Organizations and Organizational Leadership

* Heifetz, R., (1994). Leadership Without Easy Answers, Chapter 1: Values in Leadership.

Thursday, 04/08/2016
08:30 - 11:45

Session 1: Goals and motivation

What are the ways that leaders get the effect they want? Who sets the organizational and individual goals? Exploring the means of motivating others. Setting goals and getting people to go there. Back reference continuously to complexity theory and brain and behavior.

Session 2: Change and Adaptation

The differences between change and adaptation. The individual as his or her own experiential laboratory. Organizational and individual loyalty. Why do people work? Do they want to be led?

Case: Singapore - Growing a city in a garden

Required readings:

* Chapter 8 of Neuropsychology for Coaches: Affective interaction

* Uhl-Bien & Marion (2008). Complexity Leadership, Chapter 7: Beyond Transactional and Transformational Leadership: Can Leaders Still Lead When They Don't Know What to Do?

* Swart, Chisholm & Brown, (2015). Neuroscience for Leadership, Chapter 7: Changing Yourself – Changing Others;

* Neo, B. S., & Chen, G. (2007). Dynamic governance: Embedding culture, capabilities and change in Singapore. New Jersey: World Scientific. Foreword and Chapter 1: Framework for Dynamic Governance: Institutionalizing Culture, Capabilities and Change

Suggested readings:

* Ostroff, F. (2006) "Change Management in Government", Harvard Business Review, May, pp. 141-146.

Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Paul Brown
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Neo Boon Siong, June Gwee and Candy Mak
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After completing this course, students are expected to be able to:

* Recognize the complexity of leadership, particularly in the public sector

* Understand why and how leadership has evolved through complexity theory and neurosciences

* Develop and apply leadership capabilities, including:

1. Influence by motivation and inspiration

2. Leading change

3. Effective decision making

4. Building and developing organization

5. Identifying different leadership styles and practicing the most relevant ones.

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