Session 1. Big Questions of Public Management: Agendas for Research
In this session, we will seek answers the following questions: Is public management different from private management? Why do we care about 'public' management? Given the pervasive influence of the state in Vietnam, is it meaningful to differentiate public and private management?
[Required] Behn, R. 1995. "The Big Questions of Public Management." Public Administration Review 55(4): 313-324 (**Read highlighted (translated) part only).
[Required] Davis, B. 2016. "Public Sector Graft an Issue in Vietnam, But There could be One Simple Solution." Forbes August 22, 2016.
[Recommendation] Dunleavy, P and Christopher Hood. 1994. "From Old Public Administration to New Public Management." Journal of Public Money and Management 14(3): 9-16.
Session 2. Changing Context and Shape of the Public Sector
Why does government intervene in market? What is the changing view and trend about the government? What is the appropriate size of government?
[Required] Van der Wal, Z. 2017. "Chapter 2. 'Traditional' versus 'New'." The 21st Century Public Manager. London: Palgrave Macmillan, p.17-36.
[Required] Kwak, James. 2011. "What Do You Mean, 'Government Is Too Big?" The Atlantic. Available at https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/07/what-do-you-mean-government-is-too-big/242093/ (English).
[In-Class Discussion] Divide into groups. Each group should identify major policy areas at international, national, and local level where it believes current government policy in Vietnam needs to change.
Session 3. New Thinking Skills: Agile & Design Thinking
In the 21st century, what kind of thinking skills are necessary for civil servants? This session explores new thinking skills to solve problems and serve citizens better.
[Required] Lewrick, Michael, Patrick Link and Larry Leifer. 2018. The Design Thinking Playbook. London: Wiley, p.13-34.
[Required] Bisen, Arjun. 2018. "The Path to "Agile" Policymaking." Ash Center for Governance and Innovation, Government Innovators Network Blog, Web address, https://www.innovations.harvard.edu/blog/path-agile-policymaking.
* Group Sign-up Day for Design thinking presentation: Your group is required to find a person who has difficulties in workplaces (or at school, government offices, etc.), interview the person, understand the person's situation (person, jobs, relationships, goals, difficulties, etc.) and produce a visualized personal containing a) persona; b) needs; c) reasons; d) insights; e) possible solutions. A detailed guideline will be provided.

This course is designed to explore significant developments and themes in the field of public management. This course serves the needs of those who wish to learn how public, private, and non-profit sectors as well as general citizens work together in producing 'public goods.' Traditional public administration and management literature has mainly focused on the role of government agencies in public affairs, but with increasing external pressure and changing environment, co-production of public good and using business strategies in public organizations are increasingly an unavoidable trend. We explore the proposition that more opened and collective engagement can make governance more legitimate, fair, and effective by examining many innovations in governance that range from neighborhood to national scale, in the United States, Europe, Latin America and East Asia as well as Vietnam. These 'real world' cases range across many issues. This course will expose students to management theories and frameworks as well as strategies, tools and heuristics for managing public organizations in their current environment.
This course in Public Management is built on lectures and students' contribution through class discussion, case works, small group breakout sessions, and problem-solving discussions. Individual students will practice analytical skills and writing skills, including how to write clear concise reflection papers. The objective of this course is for students to gain an overview of both issues and practices related to public management while acquiring skills for working in small groups. Detailed course objectives are:
- Provide students with a clear understanding of the characteristics of public management.
- Enhance student's understanding of core competences required to comprehend public organizations' environment and strategically manage their stakeholders and their operations.
- Increase students' awareness and expertise of managerial strategies, tools and practices they may enact to reach public organization's objectives and to improve their performances.
- Enable students to develop their skills and techniques needed to be successful public managers.
- Provide students with comparative methods & the examples of best practices.