Class meeting #1 Two growth models
*Vietnam Program (2008), Choosing Success: Implications from East Asian and Southeast Asian for Vietnam's future
Perkins (2013), Chapters 2-4.
Class meeting #2: Development theories
*Acemoglu and Robinson (2012), Chapter 2: Theories that don't work
*Huynh The Du (2013), Why some countries fail, and some succeed: A recent new interpretation
Class meeting #3. Pivots for growth
* Huynh The Du (2018), Three pillars of development
Huynh The Du (2013), A Treatise on the Market Economy with Socialist Orientation in Vietnam

The course examines policy choices and development strategies adopted by selected Asian and Southeast Asian countries and the time frame for consideration is after Second World War until now. The course is mostly concerned with policies in education, infrastructure and urbanization, business and international competition, financial systems, government's efficiency and impartiality. Additionally, policy issues in industrialization and democratization conducive to one country's success or failure are also discussed. The course adopts a multi-perspective approach in analyzing policy choices and objectively compare nations under similar or different contexts.
After the course, students are expected to:
* Understand policy choices of some Asian countries given favorable and unfavorable factors.
* Develop comprehensive and deep insights in issues relevant to development or policy choices of these countries.
* Constructively criticize opportunities, challenges and choices of certain countries under different contexts and background.
* Comparatively discuss some critical policies to the transition of Vietnam from a centrally planned economy to market economy and from an agricultural and rural to an industrial and urban society.