The Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management's mission is to advance transformative, innovative and inclusive public policy and management in Vietnam and the region - through its commitment toward excellence in teaching, research and civic engagement. We are dedicated to preparing new generations of leaders with the integrity, knowledge and competencies necessary to have a significant impact in whichever field they pursue. We are committed to promoting the understanding and best practice of public policy and management by producing high-quality, evidence-based research. We are striving to providing a public sphere that fosters policy dialogues across Vietnam and the region - in an effort to enhance the public interest, particularly in fields with great social impact.

Our vision is to become one of the Asia Pacific's leading regional - and eventually global - schools of public policy and management. We strive to provide our diverse student body an internationally acclaimed education, produce high level scholarship and prepare them for an expanded range of career opportunities.
Our Program, which focuses on interdisciplinary, evidence-based approaches to solving complex, real-world problems, adheres closely to the international standards governing the best universities in the world. Read more at: https://www.naspaa.org/accreditation.

Public Service Values
The umbrella value encompassing our Program is the pursuit of Professionalism through the following principles and attaining standards in the field.
These values are infused in everything we do in and out of the classroom.
- Public Service: Striving for 5Es, including Excellence, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Economy, and Equity
- Impartiality: Objective, non-partisan, mindful of context, "frank and fearless" advice, constructive criticism, speaking truth to power
- Accountability: Responsibility, transparency, goal attainment, stewardship, self- discipline
- Respect: Toward society and public, colleagues, culture of civility
- Ethics: Personal integrity, professional standards, abiding to laws and regulations, codes of ethical behavior
- Inclusiveness: Creating an organizational culture: collaborating, belonging, valuing diversity, respecting different points of view.