Prof. Pham Duy Nghia

Pham Duy Nghia
MPP Program Director, Faculty Member, Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management


Professor Pham Duy Nghia graduated at Leipzig University (Germany). At FETP he teaches Law and Public Governance, Public Policy and Research Methods of Public Policy. He has published a number of text books and journal articles on legal and governance issues. His recent research focuses on good governance, including perspectives how to enhance the people’s participation in policy making and to enhance the efficiency, transparency and accountability of government. Pham Duy Nghia is a frequent commentator inleading newspaper and media in Vietnam. The areas concerned include protection of basic citizen’s right, voice and accountability in public governance, regulatory quality, rule of law and acess to justice. He is a member is Professional Associations Vietnam International Arbitration Center (VIAC/VCCI), Vietnam Lawyers Association (VLA). 

Courses Taught  

  • Law and Public Policy.
  • Public Governance.

Academic experience

Research Interests 

  • Legislative and Judicial Reform, Institutional Reform, Land Law, Property Law, Public Governance, Local Governance, Participative Democracy, Confucian Tradition in Public Administration.

Current Research 

  • Land law, SOE Reform, Constitutionalism in Vietnam.



  1. Pham Duy Nghia, Researching and Writing in Law (Phương pháp nghiên cứu luật học), NXB Cong an nhan dan (Publishers), Hanoi, 2014.
  2. Pham Duy Nghia, Company Law: Case and Commentaries (Textbook for undergraduate program), VNU Publishers (NXB Dai hoc Quoc gia HN), 2006 (Vietnamese), second edition published in 2009, third edition (2012).
  3. Pham Duy Nghia, Confucianism and the Law in Vietnam, Tu-Phap Publishers, Hanoi, April 2004, 200 pages, (Vietnamese).
  4. Pham Duy Nghia, Economic Law: Textbook for Postgraduated Program, Hanoi National University Press, 912 pages, Hanoi, April 2004.
  5. Pham Duy Nghia, The Development of economic legal framework in Vietnam since the Asian crises, The National Politics Publishers, Hanoi, March [2003], Japanese-Vietnamese.
  6. Pham Duy Nghia, Vietnamese Business Law in Transition, “The Gioi” Publishers, Hanoi, [2002], 415 pages, (Vietnamese).
  7. Pham Duy Nghia, Essentials of Vietnam's Business Law, The “The Gioi” Publishers”, Hanoi, January [2001], 178 pages (supported by the Schmidt Foundation, Freehills and Page and the German Embassy in Hanoi). 

Chapters in books  

  1. Pham Duy Nghia, Confucianism and the Concept of Law in Vietnam, in J. Gillespie and P Nelson, Socialist Transformation in China and Vietnam, Melborne University Press, 2005. 
  2. Pham Duy Nghia, Transplanted Law - An Ideological and Cultural Analysis of Industrial Property Law in Vietnam, in Christopher Heath, Christoph Antons & Michael Blakeney, Intellectual Property Harmonisation within ASEAN and APEC, MAX PLANCK SERIES ON ASIAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 10, Aspen Publishers, 2004, [ISBN: 9041122923].
  3. Pham Duy Nghia, Exhaustion and Parallel Imports in Vietnam, in Christopher Heath (ed), Parallel Imports in Asia, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, New York, 2004 [ISBN 90-411-2114-5].
  4. Pham Duy Nghia, Technology Transfer Rules in Vietnam, in: Christopher Health and Kung Chung Liu (eds), Technology Transfer Rules in Asia, Kluwer Law International, October [2002] [ISBN 90-411-9830-0].
  5. Pham Duy Nghia (ed), Understanding US Law in the context of Vietnam’s regional and international economic integration, (Vietnamese); The National Politics Publishers, Hanoi, August [2001] (383 pages).

Selective articles 

  1. Pham Duy Nghia, Do Hai Ha, The Soviet Legality and its Impact on Contemporary Vietnam, in J Gillespie at al., Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 97-133. 
  2. Pham Duy Nghia, From Marx to Market: The Debates on the Economic System in Vietnam’s Revised Constitution, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Volume 11Issue 2 , December 2016, pp. 263-285.
  3. Pham Duy Nghia, Revising the Land Law: Creating Equity for Farmers, Vietnam Law & legal Forum, Vol 17 (196) December 2010, pp 04-08.
  4. Das neue Wettbewerbsgesetz in Vietnam: Wirtschaftspolitische Hintergründe, Entwicklung und Probleme [The new Competition Law in Vietnam: Background, Development and Issues], WuW, September 2005, pp. 704-714.
  5. Pham Duy Nghia, Commercial Legal Framework in Vietnam since the Asian Crisis: Development and Issues, International Business Lawyer, Vol 32, No 4, August, 2004, pp. 175-181.
  6. Neue Unternehmensgesetz in Vietnam: Entwicklung, reformfreundliche Bestimmungen und Probleme, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, Heidelberg, [2002], Nr. 12, pp. 912 -917.


  • Provide interviews in areas relating to research interest, including institutional reform, participative democracy, governance, and higher education policies.

Policy advice and consultancy

  • 2019: Member of Case Law Council of Vietnam Supreme Court.
  • April 2009 – Dec 2009: UNDP National Consultant in Legal Education Reform Project.
  • Dec 2007- Jan 2008: UNDP National Consultant in Public Finance Project to Review to State Budget Law (CEBA, National Assembly).
  • May – November 2007: UNTCAD Consultant in E-Regulation Project in Vietnam to establish the interactive Database for investors.
  • May - July 2006: National Consultant in World Bank Project: "Corporate Governance, Country Assessment Vietnam".
  • Jan- Feb 2006: National Consultant, UNDP Programming Mission to overview donor's activities in strengthening capacity for elective bodies in Vietnam.
  • September- Oct. 2005: National Consultant, Oversight administrative regulation in business registering system in Vietnam, ADB, GTZ Project to promoting the private sector in Vietnam.
  • April 2005 – July 2005: National Consultant, Skill Training for Parliamentarians and Councilors, joint UNDP and ONA Project VIE 02-07 “Strengthening the capacity of elective bodies in Vietnam”.
  • Dec 2004 March 2005: National Consultant in WB funded Research Project “Corporate Governance, Country Assessment Vietnam”.

 Conferences, Workshops, And Presentations

  • Dec 2019: Vietnam high level Executive Program (VELP) at Harvard: Research Paper: Aspects of law implementation through two case studies: SOEs Reform and Administrative Court and Procedure Reform
  • Dec 2019: Asian Law Association Conference at Osaka University, Research Paper: Administrative Court and Procedure Reform in Vietnam
  • Oct 2019: Crawford School of Public Policy (Australian National University in Canberra): Research Paper: The emerge of Vietnam Constitutional Government. 

Social Activities

  • Member in legal reform projects sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), corporate governance programs by World Bank, and other national governance programs.

Professional Membership

  • Arbitrator at Vietnam International Arbitration Center (VIAC).
  • Vietnam Lawyer Association (VLA).
